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Oil Fountain Monument, Surgut

Oil Fountain Monument, Surgut

On September 4, 2016 a monument dedicated to the labour heroism of oilmen was officially inaugurated in Surgut.

On the Day of the oil and gas industry’s workers, an imposing monument dedicated to the feats of labour of generations of oilmen was inaugurated during an official opening ceremony attended by local and federal authorities and by the management of Surgutneftegas. The monumental sculpture was commissioned right by the oil and gas company Surgutneftegas to thank and honour the many veterans and employees for their strenuous and brave contribution to the company.

The monument embodies the heroic attitude of geologists, oilmen and all those who have been providing for more than half a century the country's energy security, working in harsh conditions and dangerous environments to ensure a sustainable development of the autonomous region of Ugra, today one of the country's most prosperous areas.

The newly erected sculptural composition represents a huge oil rig featuring a fountain of oil made up of five springing jets, which splash to the ground showing symbolic oil drops carved in the metallic structure of the fountain. Eleven bronze figures stand on the circular basement located in the middle of the monument. They proudly represent the different professions involved in the oil industry - geologists, surveyors, electricians, drillers, engineers, builders, drivers, cooks, and welders. A writing in golden letters shines on the circular platform border located at the feet of the workers: "The feats of labour of generations of oilmen at Surgutneftegaz", a permanent reminder of the labour of oilmen, gas workers, construction workers, scientists and all the people who have contributed to the company success with their efforts during all these years.
Lighting design
Raffaele Vincelli, GRIVEN Srl
Reserve, Tyumen
Ilona Kuleva / Ramil Nuriev
Lighting design
The illumination scheme proposed by GRIVEN’s lighting designer Raffaele Vincelli wanted to focus the attention on the 11 statues, letting them shine in an intense golden shade capable of delivering an aura of proud endurance and conscious involvement to these oil workers’ symbols. Moreover, a pleasant contrast of warm and cold white light could further enhance the significance of the workers’ figures. No light dispersion nor up-lighting were allowed on the site. In addition, the lighting designer had to cope with the limits of the installation ground represented in this case by the irregular location of the poles, which had to host the main lighting sources. Therefore, different projection angles, illumination distances and aiming dispositions had to be taken into account in the first project phase.
Product installation
10 units of Micro-Dune MK2 in cold white configuration with medium optics were installed in couples at ground level to light up the basement, which supports the centerpiece of the construction. 5 Coral Easy Cold White with narrow optics were mounted In the middle of the round basement hosting the statues in order to enlighten the inward-looking parts of the oil jets in a cold white shade.

5 Ruby R in a custom amber shade fitted with medium optics were embedded in each of the 5 hollow arms of the fountain to project a warm, golden light onto the oil workers’ statues, while enhancing the oil drops carved in the structure. Moreover, a total of 26 Coral Easy in warm white colour configuration with different optics were mounted on the 6 poles, which surround the monument, and tuned in order to achieve the best light distribution on lateral and front sides of the 5 arms of the oil fountain. In details, the 4 poles located at a regular distance from each other host 1 Coral Easy Warm White with wide optics and 4 with elliptical wide optics each, while the 2 remaining poles are equipped with 1 Coral Easy WW with medium optics and 4 with elliptical wide optics in order to offer a perfect final result.

Meeting the most demanding architectural requirements, the newly engineered CORAL EASY features 60 premium quality high power warm or cold white LEDs, as well as a wide choice of monochromatic tones. Coupled with a variety of high build and design optics groups, CORAL EASY allows the utmost optical efficiency, balanced projection and photometric flexibility. This versatile wall washer allows a powerful output from a quite compact unit body and comes with a light weight competitive price for budget restraint projects where DMX, colour changing and dimming options are not specified. The Polar Edition features an integrated de-icing system with electrically heated glass, which assures a comfortable functioning even in the utmost severe cold weather conditions.
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