Alle NachrichtenPast and future of the multichip LED technology.
Past and future of the multichip LED technology.
responding to aesthetic appeal and chromatic adaptability
criteria, Griven’s renowned range of luminaires fitted with premium quality
high brightness multichip LEDs relies on a long-term company experience in
this specific field. Since
2007, Griven has been engineering LED
lighting fixtures fitted with this alternative configuration using quad-colour
LEDs for superior colour mixing directly at the lens. Our long-time clients
will surely remember our Dawn FC, Parade D-RGB, Stroker, Diamond and many more,
which had been specifically engineered over 15 years ago to respond to the
demanding aesthetic and functional requirements of the most innovative lighting
efficient combination of powerful multichip LEDs and unrivalled optical lenses
was, and still is, a visually appealing solution capable of delivering a seamless
light distribution with a perfectly smooth colour transitioning. Optimal colour consistency, excellent dimming capability, and superior
lumen output exceed the category
standards, allowing the use of these flexible and versatile luminaires for a
vast range of medium to large scale installations. The light perception is
always top notch, the distribution uniform even at very close distance,
both in case of bright, saturated colours and soft pastel tones.
Past and future of the multichip LED technology.
current MC product range is comprehensive and embraces high to medium power
floodlights, as well as in-ground up-lighters. The Capital series in all its declinations
- 600, 300, 200 and 100 - presents MC versions not only in RGBW but also
in the Dynamic White configuration, extending the benefits of this technology
to an unforgettable tunable white light experience. Along with Ruby MC,
Micro-Clip MK3, and the new Jupiter MC, Griven’s multichip range also includes
in-ground up-lighters, such as Dune MC MK3, Ruby MC R, and Micro Dune MC. Also
fitted with RGBW multichip LEDs, the new addition Moon, specifically engineered
to enhance landscape and architectural details in residential or commercial
areas, testifies the company commitment in delivering the widest range of
solutions in the most diversified product categories. Awaited
newcomers will soon complete the current multichip LED product portfolio extending
the uncountable advantages and surprising performance of this technology to
other ranges.
Discover the whole product portfolio at: RGBW and DW.
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